A Holistic Approach to Holiday Rest
I am Clark Griswold. Which is why this year, I’m gonna prioritize my REST.
In busy times, something’s gotta give.
In busy times, usually what “gives” is you.
Because, you’re amazing. And so you give and you give and you give.
Especially at the holidays.
You say to yourself “‘tis the season” and force a smile.
But your thoughts are on overdrive. You intend to have a great day, then you snap at a stranger and shake your fist at bad drivers. Stuff your face with booze and pills and cheese and booze. Hate yourself a little when your pants won’t comfortably button.
You look in the mirror and see Rudolf, not because you’ve guided someone through the night but because you can’t seems to stop catching every single cold.
You make your lists, you check them twice, you feel accomplished and high by checking things off. Then overwhelmed and anxious about all that’s still left.
Maybe you feel guilty. Because instead of holiday joy, you feel Meh.
Disassociated from what’s really happening, all around you.
Some of us, myself included, have been known to feel resentment toward loved ones and aquaintences and mommy bloggers who seem to be doing it better. Enjoying it more.
So. What to do. What to do.
I have an idea.
Prioritize YOU.
Roll your eyes if you must. And take time to read the following ways you can prioritize resting–even with the world shouting at you to do otherwise.
15 Ways to Prioritize Sacred, Holy Rest
Get regular sleep. Google “sleep hygiene” and see what resonates. I get the best sleep if I avoid my screen and allow for some quiet time before I shut my eyes.
Move your body. Rest isn’t always stationary. On any given day, resting my body might look like taking slow walks. Or short walks. Or slow, short walks. Instead of your regular yoga practice, try a Yin style or restorative (YouTube it).
Switch up your routines. Skip the serious podcast for a guided meditation. Pause the holiday playlist and listen to a binaural beats mix on Spotify instead. Put on your headphones and sing and dance while you cook or fold laundry. Instead of the regular post-dinner zoning out to Netflix, set the screen to Fireplace mode and read that book.
Trick yourself into paying attention to your breath. I used to carry a rock in my pocket and every time I touched it or noticed it, I’d remind myself to check in with my body and breathe.
Notice what feels tight and stretch. All day. Let yourself yawn. Touch your toes. Point and flex your feet. Roll your neck at your desk. Stand up straight. Be in your body.
Make time for water. Set an intention before you shower to let the water wash away your stress. Consider adding a cold 60 second blast of water at the end. Take an epsom salt bath or sit in the sauna or hot tub post-workout. Pay attention to what the water feels like each time you wash your hands. Drink more water.
Tune out the news and the noise. It’s not easy. I know. I’m addicted to my iPhone. I’m committing to shutting it off for one hour a day. It’s too tempting to look at when it’s not powered completely down.
Go outside. Look up. Notice pretty clouds. Hug a tree. Have a snowball fight. Remember the healing power of our beautiful sun can’t shine on your beautiful face if you’re staring down at your screen.
Cut out the unnecessary shit. I glorified “busy” for most of my years. The only reason I stopped is because my autoimmune disorder made me. You’d be shocked–SHOCKED–by the things you think are necessary that really, truly are not. As you move through your day, ask yourself: If I was stuck in bed with some unnamed illness, would this be the thing I get out of bed for? If not, let it go.
Remember “no” is a complete sentence. My friend Janel taught me this long ago. We’re socialized and programmed to give an excuse—to make our “no” somehow valid. But NO requires no explanation. Here’s a hint: Not wanting to do something is enough reason to say NO.
Don’t make more plans. How often do you think “YES” when asked to do something, then a week later when the time comes rather spend the night in your PJs? A lot? Okay then STOP MAKING PLANS. Did Ferris “plan” to skip school that day? No. He just woke up and wasn’t feeling it. Be like Ferris and move with the flow.
Give yourself permission to NOT do ALL THE THINGS. Your kids will not implode if you don’t do the Santa train and Zoolights and Botanic Gardens and cookie decorating and, and, and, and, and. Your Instagram feed may suffer but I promise—your kids are tired and so are you so NO. (Complete sentence.)
Screw your traditions. Okay, maybe don’t throw it all out. But be honest with yourself about what brings you joy and what you are doing on autopilot simply because “x tradition” is what you do. The first year after my divorce, I made the same Christmas Eve meal I made every year leading up to it. It was laborious and I was resentful. The following year, I ordered takeout: nachos, beer, and Christmas Vacation. Best. Night. Ever.
Prioritize play. We forget how to play. We grow up and get all serious and forget that life is meant to be enjoyed. Focusing on what’s true in the moment invites us to make things playful. Did I just burn all the cookies because I wandered away from the oven? Yep. Sure did. Will those solid chunks of char make good hockey pucks in the alley and provide me and my child with many, many laughs? Absolutely!
Connect to what’s meaningful. This may be something bigger than you. For some this might mean a religious or spiritual experience. For others, like me, it might mean community. I will be making time for cornhole and beers with my lady friends. I will be making gingerbread houses with our framily. I’ll also be practicing gratitude for all the ways love has presented itself to me this year. Love truly surrounds us, even in those dark moments. And my whole body relaxes when I allow myself to be present with it. When I relax, I open my eyes to those who might also be hurting in this world. It helps me to notice moments where I can help others as I move through my day.
How do you plan to make this holiday season more authentic to you and your spirit? Leave a comment–let’s share the wisdom we’ve come to know!