Hi, I’m Carie. I write for myself, and others, about navigating these times.
Trusting in the wisdom of your heart
And your heart, your ready, steady heart. It knows you’ve veered off course. It knows, and it does not judge. Because the heart sees the lessons in the glitter and the glam. It’s not mad. It hears your logical mind finding evidence that heart-based decisions can’t be trusted. It understands deeply just how deeply you’ve been programmed to fear the unknown.
I don’t want to do this alone
Middle age is not to be traversed alone. We’re all in this middle aged lady shit together. So let’s do this together. Let’s co-create something beautiful. Let’s focus on what’s real and good and authentic and lovely. Let’s drive our attention toward healing the parts of us the outside world deemed unworthy and lift each other up while doing it.